Health and Wellness Related Products

Temperature Screening Station

EON DigitalThermal imaging scanner, by EON Digital, for body fevers. A non-invasive and safe solution to screen people as they enter. This allows one to move potentially feverish individuals on to further screening, ensuring they get the care they need while others are protected from potential infection.

Temperature Screening Station

Mobile Testing Room

This structure is designed for outdoor use. Our modular aluminum system sets up with one tool. Aluminum extrusions with rigid PVC panels create a strong, secure unit that protects from the elements and locks for security. Custom sizes and build-on options available.

Sneeze Barriers

These acrylic barriers help keep both employees and customers safe by creating safe social distances, as well as shielding people from spreading germs. These barriers are perfect for check in areas and cash registers. These units are freestanding, so they do not require drilling holes.



Stanchions allow businesses to keep providing essential services while keeping their employees and customers safe. Customers can pick up food and supplies while practicing safe social distancing with the help of crowd management barriers and public guidance signs.

Outdoor Signage for Grocery Stores and Pharmacies

Outdoor signage can help customers identify pickup areas, promote products, and identify shopping hours for seniors. It is a great way to help people shop safely and efficiently while visiting essential businesses.
